Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Today is 13th January and it's not late for me to blog a "New Year" post. The truth is I already have made the summary of 2010 but has not completed yet. I would say, I had a kick off to a good start! Not to mention that I really enjoyed my New Year celebration. I'm so gonna blog that later. I had a sleepover party with my adorable cousins. Yes, they are all underage and I'm 20 but who cares! We had a great time rolling into each other. :D

Secondly, I'm helping my parents running our first family business. Tee-hee! We have our vacation house in Pangkor Island and due to the booming domestic business of homestay, we have decided to turn our vacation house into a homestay. I'm gonna go to the details and do the promotions later. ;) So I'm in charge for the marketing and promotion. My dad is the host and the caretaker of the house as well. Mama? Well, she is the Chairman of the Board of Directors, of course.

Thirdly, I'm currently in my last semester of Diploma! Yeah, yeah hooray! Can't wait to get out from Bangi. Boo hoo~ :D I really wanna go to UPM badly. I don't care about other institutions but UPM has been my dream university since I was in form 4. I have already determined to do Agriculture Business since then. I still remember that everyone would laugh at me when I told them my ambition which is to have my very own farm. I wanna be one of the supplier of the livestock in our food industry. I'm making my way in reaching my ultimate ambition. Everytime I'm passing by the UPM farm, I couldn't help myself but daydreaming about it. The best part is to see all those cute cows. Ahh, wait for me UPM!

Fourthly, I'm taking only four subjects for this semester which of course, I have lots of free time to waste. Well, I take the opportunity to generate money from that. I wanna do a small business in my college. I'm gonna offer designing service. Say like design a poster, brochure and all those printing stuff and plus with a basic video editing. :) Last but not least, I'm doing a part time job during weekends! It's not like I'm desperate for money but I just couldn't stay and do nothing now. I just feel like to have something, do something. And that is an enjoyment for me. Final semester and final projects await me too!

As for my loyal readers. Ceh~ So perasan. I hope you've noticed that my background has changed. I pretty much in love with the colour and how it makes my layout have that scrapping feelings.

As for the link?
Yes, I've changed the link from areniex to
I'm done with areniex. The time for Anisawrus is here. :) RAWR!

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