Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crossed out!

My wish list for the near future:
Sony Ericsson W910i
A brand new mountain bike
Have a driving license
Acer Aspire 2930 and Celcom broadband

I finally crossed out 'A brand new mountain bike'

I still couldn't believe that I've finally bought it!
Okayh, no pictures.
The bike isn't with me.
Haha. It is currently being kept by Alwi.
I will be dead meat if my parents found out about this, so, zip your mouth please. ;)
For them, MTB is expensive but I've got it with a good price plus with a good quality helmet.
I'm so excited about my new baby! We named it Rocky. Haha.
I think I might take it up around Shah Alam on this Sunday.
Maybe, maybe not.

Somehow, I really can't wait for my holidays to finish because I can't wait to see my results? Teehee. I'm hoping for another 3 pointer and above and I do target Dean's List this time.
Last but not least, real time with Rocky! I might be on the road for starting up and I can't wait to go off road.
Wait for me, Putrajaya Bike Park!
And not to forget, Putrajaya Challenge Park Ride too!

That's the nearest mountain bike trails that I could think of at the moment. As in, from Bandar Baru Bangi of course.


5 flower blossom:

  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2009're getting serious in biking dh ni.good luck!
    i mati2 igt u dah ade lesen memandu...

  2. haaaa! kantoi!
    da bli beskal rupenye.
    kate nak bli laptop.
    ape la die ni.
    so now, jgn nak bsing2 kate psal virus kat komputer uma tu. jgn nak gado2 ngan korea fan tu. ko yg xmo beli laptop. bukak sem depan je la bli laptop ek nis. t ade lg yg baru n latest spec.

  3. ej : yerp! thanks! n it was hard for a beginner like me. huuuuu~ haha. i will. abis june nih dapat la P. hihi. insyaallah.

    ady: yeaaaaaaaa!! sbb tuh lah.. meantime anis saving more money, mesti byk offer latest specs. i've considered about it la. dont worry. huhu.

  4. wow~ nak jugak beskal besh.. kite kat sini pakai beskal pakcik tua jek.. (^_^).. teringin beskal lipat2.. tp.. kat msia nanti pakai ke beskal ?!

  5. alaa, if i ada mountain bike boleh lah ajak u cycling skali kt shah alam cet



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