Monday, April 8, 2019

It's 2019 and I'm still lost?!

Oh wow,

It feels so great to be able to see my blog is still up.
I need my safe space to write my thoughts, opinion and share petty things.
Social media sites are definitely not safe and it's toxic as well.
Also, I don't like to share my personal stuff there anymore. I still prefer organic communication with a real person, talk face to face, you know?
B...b..but posting on Instastory and Twitter is a lot faster and you don't even need to form out the proper sentence, you know? Haa! But that's how my language skills become rusty.

I like to mingle with my friends during my spare time. I like to chill out and talk about random stuff. I feel lucky that I have my real buddies that have time for that.

Anyway, since I am unemployed and being a full-time housewife at the moment, I definitely looking forward to do more writing here.

Plus, I have married for three months now. And frankly speaking, there's a lot of friction going on between me and my husband. All those lovey dovey newly married posting is pretty much bullshit anyway.

I'm signing out for now because I've got lots of pending house chores and I need to get it done before I cook dinner later on.


It feels... nice to be able to write in this way again.

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