Thursday, March 10, 2016


Today, I met Shazwan after four years long. To be honest, I thought we never would be friends again.

Four years ago, he had a hard time in between keeping his girlfriend happy and continue befriending with me. We both knew she is a super jealous type of girlfriend and because of her, Shazwan decided to abandon our friendship. I was so mad at that time and as time passed by, I missed him - my dearest best friend.

I felt like a part of me is gone because out of many person in this world, he is the one that I grew up together with. From the age of fifteen until twenty one. He has always been there for me, we had lotsa crazy memories and foolish moments together. We would go outing after our tuition classes, playing snookers, eating cakes and ice creams, and you name it. He also look after me when I was going through my first heartbroken. Because of devastation, I turned myself into a playgirl. But he never left my side. In fact, I started to take him for granted and we had this silly fight. He never judged me. He celebrated my birthday. He was being a good friend.

I guess I never knew what I had until I lost him, too. For me, the growing up years are very important period of my life. So, when he disappeared, I felt so sad and hurt because he took away that part of me too, like how I lost that part of me to Alwi.

But since last year, he's been trying to reach for me and I never saw it coming. Or, never really saw he was coming back. It's funny that we both never really changed. I still remember that he was socially awkward back then but I never thought that we would end up being best friend. I got his jokes and he likes to give me a bitch slap (which is good) haha. After all, I'm just glad that those four year gaps felt nothing now.

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